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When it comes to health concerns, finding the right clinic is of utmost importance. For those suffering from hernia or hemorrhoids, seeking specialized care from an experienced clinic is crucial. In Mumbai, there is one clinic that stands out among the rest – the Gopal Rao Piles Clinic. Renowned for its expertise, experienced specialists, and commitment to patient well-being, Gopal Rao Piles Clinic has earned the title of the best hernia clinic in Mumbai.

Why Opt For Hernia Treatment?

  • To prevent a serious problem called strangulation.
  • Can cause Tumor.
  • Homeopathy and Ayurveda are ineffective as it is a physical condition. 3D Mesh hernia is the best and most advanced treatment option as of today.
Proflor – A New, Innovative Approach for Hernia Repair which is Safe, Quick, Painless day-care procedure. Call Our Expert Doctors for details.

What Is Hernia :

A hernia happens when an inside organ such as an intestine or fat forces through a frail location in your muscle or flesh.

There are various types of hernias that can affect a person. Ordinarily, femoral hernia, inguinal hernias, umbilical hernias, and Hiatal hernias are detected during body examinations by our hernia specialist. If you are dealing with a hernia, it’s essential to attend it quickly by reaching out to a Hernia doctor in Mumbai as hernias do not heal on their own and if left unattended, it can cause complicates further leading to strangulation which is life-threatening.

Hernia can happen to anyone – acknowledging statistics as per journals and papers, 1 out of 10 people deal with a hernia at some point in life. It can affect both males and females and can occur at any age and sometimes even newborns may possess it. Hernia surgery in Mumbai is common and is conducted globally with millions of cases being tended each year.

  • Any condition that increases the pressure of the abdominal cavity over a prolonged period of time may become a cause for hernia eg. Obesity, chronic cough, heavy lifting, chronic constipation leading to straining during bowel movement.
  • Family history of hernia makes one more likely to get it.
  • Some hernias may be present at birth
  • Idiopathic, which means the cause is not known.

  • A hernia may first appear as a new lump or bulge in the groin or in the abdominal area. There may be an associated dull ache but usually it is not painful on touch. The lump increases in size on standing, coughing and may be pushed back/disappear on lying down.
  • A small painless hernia if left untreated, usually increases in size.
  • Occasionally, the hernia may become irreducible i.e. it cannot return to the abdominal cavity on lying down or with manual pushing. At this stage it also becomes painful.
  • Sometimes the loop of bowel that has herniated becomes obstructed. This can cause extreme pain, nausea, vomiting, constipation and needs immediate treatment.
  • At times the hernia becomes ‘strangulated’ ( explained further below ) in which the person appears ill with/without fever, nausea, vomiting and extreme pain even to touch. This condition is life threatening and thus a surgical emergency.

Listed below is a concise description of some of the common hernias. Although there are other types too, they are quite rare and beyond the scope of this piece of information

      This is the commonest type of hernia that occurs in the groin area at the top of the inner thigh. Commonly found in men, it is associated with ageing and repeated strain on the abdomen. An inguinal hernia or its repair should not be taken lightly because neglect in either of the situations can impair blood supply to the testicles, since the blood vessels that supply the testicles pass through the areas where this hernia occurs. Impaired blood supply may cause death of the testicular tissue requiring its removal.

      Found more commonly in women, this also occurs in the groin area, just above the line separating the abdomen and the legs. A femoral hernia should not be neglected as it has high chances of strangulation, which is a medical emergency. In fact almost half of femoral hernias first come to light as emergencies. Thus femoral hernias should be repaired at the earliest, before the complications ensue.

      It occurs when fat or a part of the bowel bulges through the abdomen near the belly button. It is found in babies when the opening in the abdomen through which the umbilical cord passes doesn’t seal properly after birth. It is also found in adults due to repeated strain on the abdomen.

      It occurs in the midline of the abdomen, in the area between the naval and the lower part of the breastbone ( sternum ). This hernia always occurs in the midline because it comes out between the two rectus muscles of the abdomen that meet in the midline. Although the lump may sometimes appear off the midline, the defect/opening is always in the midline. It may be found in infants too because of congenital weakness in the midline of the abdominal wall.

    It occurs at the site of a previous abdominal surgery for another cause, during which the abdominal muscles were cut open to allow the surgeon to enter the abdominal cavity to operate. Although the muscle is sutured ( stitched ) during closure, it becomes a relative area of weakness, potentially allowing abdominal organs to herniate through the incision line

Listed above is a concise description of some of the common hernias. Although there are other types too, they are quite rare and beyond the scope of this piece of information

The diagnosis of hernia is usually a clinical one, which means that your doctor will go through a history of your symptoms followed by a brief physical examination. During this check up she/he may feel the area of bulge by raising your abdominal pressure ( this is done by making you stand/cough ), as this manoeuvre makes the hernia more obvious. In case you have an inguinal hernia, the doctor will feel for the potential pathway by examining along your scrotum.To summarise, in vast majority of cases where there is an obvious swelling in the groin/abdominal area, which increases in size on standing, straining or coughing, a clinical diagnosis of hernia is made and NO TESTS are needed. More challenging diagnoses are best performed by hernia specialists.

Advantages of New Innovative 3D Mesh Approach for Inguinal Hernia Repair

ParticularsOpen SurgeryLaparoscopic Surgery (HHC)3D Mesh Hernia Repair
Cuts8-10 cms<10 mm<10 mm
Scars / StitchesYesNoNo
PainPainfulVirtually PainlessVirtually Painless
InfectionHigher ChancesLower ChancesLowest Chances
ComplicationsHigher ChancesLower ChancesLowest Chances
Hospital Stay4 – 5 Days1 DaySame Day Discharge
Recovery Period3 – 4 Weeks4 – 5 Days2 – 3 Days